We hope you are keeping safe and well as Covid spreads everywhere! We are doing our very best to keep everyone safe here at Brylyn and we thank you for your understanding and kind messages.
It has been a slow and quiet month here at Brylyn. Only one birthday during the month and this was for Bruce Scott on the 14th. Happy Birthday to Bruce who enjoyed a cake from our kitchen and enjoyed by all.
On Valentine’s Day 14th February, we purchased a celebration cake for residents and staff to enjoy.
Residents had their lunch out on the deck on Friday 18th which turned out to be a lovely occasion.
Our popular Bingo is held twice a week and we have games mornings, crafts and walks outside which we encourage – it is always good to get fresh air and to enjoy the beautiful and colourful summer garden.
Canine Friends Pet Therapy, religious services and quizzes have been put on hold for the moment and the entertainers too. Hopefully we can resume these services soon.
Feedback is always welcomed.
Keep well and be safe, until next month,
Jennifer Slement and all at Brylyn.