April 2020
COVID-19 has been our main concern in the month of April – probably all we talk about, as expected, but we cope and life goes on.
We repeat the message that we are doing our best to keep the virus out of the facility as we remain on lock down. Our caring staff will do all that is necessary to our best ability to keep your loved ones safe whilst trying our utmost to keep ourselves and our families safe at home from the virus too.
Welcome to our new residents; Ian Stewart, Robert Brough, Wayne Rolton, and Reginald Reihana who we hope will be happy here with us in their new home. Rest assured the new residents that have come in were deemed safe to do so.
Happy Birthday to Christine on 11th, to Mark on the 16th and to Nina on 24th who each had a delicious cake made by Lin in our kitchen to have with our ‘family’ here. Understandably it was hard for these residents as they were unable to have family and friends come in and celebrate with them due to the lock down.
We celebrated Easter and Anzac Day was commemorated.
Our residents have been kept busy with walks, indoor games, sitting outside enjoying the fresh air, watching old movies and as we are unable to get entertainers in on the weekend we have organised extra help for activities.
Please keep safe out there everyone in your ‘bubble’ as we wait to hear of the next ‘stage’ of COVID-19 from the Government.
Regards from all at Brylyn.