There was only one birthday this month and this was for Brian Hollis. Thank you to our chef for the birthday cake baked and enjoyed by all.
On the evening of the 4th the residents sat outside, wrapped warmly, to enjoy Guy Fawkes. The staff helped letting some of the residents hold the sparklers.
We had two speakers on the 6th from Hamilton Obedience Club who came in with their dogs to show us how dogs are trained. On the 14th and 28th there was pet therapy with Christine and her little doggie whose name is ‘Cookie Monster’ plus we another new dog, Macy, visiting our home with owner Jan, from the SPCA. Pet therapy is a wonderful service and who doesn’t love a cuddle or pat with a dog.
Bunty Meyer celebrated a very special occasion here with us on the 20th and with many of his friends from the Motorhome and Caravan Society as they had completed 20 ‘unbroken’ years in the association. Prior to that they had been with the association for many years. Wilma provided a feast for everyone at morning tea with much reminiscing, laughter and chatter.
We had another very special event on the 21st as two of our residents, Annette Coombs and Ian Birse became engaged! We celebrated with a cake at afternoon tea and of course a speech from Ian. This is the first time we have had such a wonderful event taking place at Brylyn and we wish them both a very happy future together
Cass Hendry from the Arts for Health was here on the 21st to try something new with our residents, ‘Art therapy exercise.’
Our outing this month was to one of our ladies that comes in for respite here, Dorothy Holyoake, who very kindly offered to have some of the residents over to her house for a visit and entertained them by playing her organ. It was a lovely afternoon.
On Tuesday 26th we surprised residents with a ‘takeaway lunch’ from KFC, this went done very well! We will be doing this once a month going forward.
Tame came in with his ‘sing along music’ on the 28th and Happy hour with Tipene and his wife was on Friday 29th - this is always a popular occasion. Our weekend entertainers were Kent, Warren, Peter, George and Roy.
We say thank you to our ‘regulars’ who give their time willingly, Reg and his team who come in to take our Church Service each week and he alternates with David. David Marshall also gives his time doing quizzes and board games with our residents.
As I ask each month, if there is anyone who would like to offer their time here at Brylyn please pop in or give us a call. Perhaps you or someone you know would like to give a talk to our residents on something interesting you have done in your life or in your profession, or can entertain us in any way with music, dance or maybe even help with an activity - we would love to hear from you.
Happy Christmas everyone, if you are lucky enough to be travelling off on a holiday or to family, drive safely and have a simply wonderful festive season, enjoy the food and the break.
Hoping the weather will be good, until next month,
Regards from Jennifer Slement all at Brylyn