Spring has arrived at last and warmer weather is on the way, how lovely to see flowers and flowering shrubs everywhere.
Susan Harvey and Annette Coombs celebrated their birthdays this month – Susan on the 2nd and Annette on the 30th. Everyone celebrated with cakes from the kitchen at morning tea. As Jim Davey moved to New Plymouth we had a farewell morning tea for him - we will miss him!
An early spring day celebration Happy Hour was held on Friday 26th with Charlie and Marlene to entertain the residents in the afternoon. This was a wonderful event, Charlie always gets everyone singing along with him. We kept to the yellow theme throughout the day. Anna made small French Toast triangles for morning tea, just for something different. There were daffodils on the tables - it was a happy day.
Bus trips have resumed Fridays which is always enjoyed as residents love these drives out in the countryside.
Bingo is held twice weekly and is always a popular game. There crafts mornings, games mornings and walks outside; weather permitting of course.
David Marshall comes in to do his quizzes and religious instruction. Ian Birse continues to do quizzes and calling the Bingo which is very much appreciated, and Floss Dunkin has started calling Bingo again too. Ian has become very helpful to call on to help with TV problems– thank you to you both.
Feedback is always welcomed.
Keep well and be safe, until next month,
Jennifer Slement and all at Brylyn.