We hope you enjoyed the long weekend, Queen’s Birthday and managed to get away for a break. We have had some wonderful winter days in between those bad weather ones, but that is winter!
Birthdays in June were all for the ladies - Clarice Best on the 12th, Janet Walker on the 24th and Zena Carr on the 25th and a Happy Birthday to the three of you.
Our surprise lunch was on Friday 18th when residents had a KFC Snack Lunch followed by a chocolate pudding made by Chef, Anna. The take-away is enjoyed and appreciated by our residents.
The Bus trip on 4th went to Chartwell for coffee and a muffin and on 11th went to St Andrews Golf Course to enjoy the view while having a cup of coffee and something to eat. The bus trip on the 24th also went to St Andrews Golf course for a snack and then to feed the birds.
On Friday 25th we celebrated Matariki with star biscuits for morning tea. The special lunch was cooked by Anna and enjoyed by all. Happy Hour followed with Charlie and Marlene.
We are up to date with both Covid vaccinations - it is good to have completed this.
The weekend entertainers this month were Gail, George, Charlie & Marlene, Peter and Louise.
On Wednesday afternoons, Lisa comes in with her dog, Boomer, and Christine brings her dog, Cookie, in on other occasions. This service from the Canine Friends Pet Therapy is much appreciated.
Religious services are held twice a month and a religious discussion in the alternate weeks. We thank David for doing our quizzes. We have daily exercises and Bingo twice a week with games mornings, crafts and walks outside to take in the fresh air and enjoy the sunshine.
Feedback is always welcomed.
Keep well and keep warm, stay safe, until next month,
Regards from Jennifer Slement and all at Brylyn.