Autumn is here and we are out of daylight saving; enjoy the months we have left of good weather before winter sets in.
The birthdays this month were for three of our gentlemen; Brian Dunkin on 12th, David Shrimpton on 27th and Snow Brown on 29th with cakes from the kitchen to be shared with everyone. Happy Birthday to you.
We had a cake for Floss and Brian to celebrate their 68th wedding anniversary. Mahi arranged a special romantic lunch set out under the gazebo for them. Well done to the staff and Mahi.
On the 3rd we had another summer BBQ lunch but unfortunately the weather let us down in the morning so our residents had to eat in the dining room but still enjoyed the occasion.
Our surprise lunch on the 16th was a good occasion too; with fish and chips in individual boxes from the Seafood Bazaar (the fresh fish shop) and this was followed by homemade Banoffee Pie for dessert.
On St Patricks Day, staff and residents wore something green and we celebrated with Charlie and Marlene entertaining us. Staff got some of the residents up and dancing - it was a lovely happy event. Drinks were served at lunchtime with the meal followed with a green pudding.
The bus trip was out to Ngaroto Lake, Te Awamutu, on the 12th where the residents enjoyed sitting out in the sunshine by the water.
On the 26th we had Charlie from the Waikato Astrological Society who came in to do a talk on Rocket Engineering with visuals on the TV. This was followed by Happy Hour at 2pm with Gail, a country and western singer, who got the residents singing along with her.
There was an Easter craft morning with Mahi, where some of the residents painted and decorated eggs and the results were wonderful.
Lisa comes in with her dog, Boomer, on Wednesday afternoons and Christine brings her dog, Cookie, in on other occasions - both for dog therapy with our residents. This service from the Canine Friends Pet Therapy is much appreciated.
The weekend entertainers this month were Louise, Gail, Charlie, and George.
Religious services are held twice a month and a religious discussion in the alternate weeks. Thanks go to
David for doing the quizzes. We have daily exercises and Bingo twice a week with games mornings and walks outside to take in the fresh air and sunshine.
Keep well everyone, stay safe, until next month,
Regards from Jennifer Slement and all at Brylyn.