A warm welcome to our new residents, we wish them a long and happy stay with us. It was a busy month, rooms filling up nicely and full capacity on one occasion which was simply wonderful. The Rest Home is abuzz!
We had had quite a few birthdays celebrated this month, Myra Carter, Ken Alexander, Raymond Park and Thomas Wilkins. Our chef makes a cake for each of birthday which we all enjoy together – Happy Birthday to each of one of you!
Welcome to our new staff members Anju, Sonika and Lalita.
We celebrated Mother’s Day while being entertained by Roy Blackmore, Peter Whalley entertained us for Happy Hour, residents watched a Doris Day movie as she passed away this month, David comes in for his quiz mornings and we had a van drive out to Karapiro Lake. Bingo too is always a popular activity, enjoyed by many.
Thank you to our ‘regulars’ who come in and give their time willingly, we are always grateful to those who help us in any way, who give their services freely to our ‘gem’ of a Rest Home. A warm thank you and this is a good opportunity to thank Graeme once again for his very kind help with revamping our garden in the parking area - this is an ongoing venture which will look beautiful once the warm weather comes around. Graeme has also built the new storage shed with the help of Michael, thank you to both gentlemen.
Winter has arrived, keep well and warm everyone, until next month,
Regards from all at Brylyn.