Hello everyone,
This has been a hard month with the Covid lockdown and we understand it has not been easy for residents or families who wanted to visit their loved ones. We carry on and continue to look after our residents with the best of care. One can be grateful that they are not living alone somewhere in the community - at least here they have company all day long if they wish it. Thanks go to our staff who are doing a wonderful job.
In the month of October there were two birthdays, these were for Ross Roulston on the 4th and Wayne Rolton on the 23rd. Both were celebrated with cakes made in our kitchen and enjoyed at morning tea by everyone.
The September Happy Hour was ‘celebrated’ on Friday 1st October, just before the Waikato Covid lock down. Our residents appreciated this long-awaited occasion where we had Peter Whaley in to entertain while enjoying snacks and drinks.
We organised a low-key “Halloween theme” day on Friday 29th with a special menu. Thanks go to Anna who did a wonderful job in the kitchen! There was Happy Hour in the afternoon with snacks and drinks and a cake. Residents had a fun ‘Karaoke sing-along’.
We have Bingo twice a week which is very popular plus there are games mornings, crafts and walks outside which are encouraged as much as possible to enjoy the spring flowers and get some fresh air and sunshine. Mahi and Jo did a Halloween craft which some enjoyed doing.
There were no bus trips this month due to the Covid lockdown.
Canine Friends Pet Therapy and our religious services have been on hold. We hope these services will be able to resume sometime soon too.
Feedback is always welcomed.
Keep well and be safe, until next month,
Jennifer Slement and all at Brylyn.
Morning Tea:
Salty Muffins glazed with Cream Cheese & Olive Spiders.
Stuffed Pumpkin with Minced Meat & Rice served with a Broccoli Salad.
Orange Chocolate Chip Ice Cream in a Cone.
Happy Hour / Afternoon Tea:
Snacks and drinks and a special cake.
Evening Meal:
Roast Chicken served with Vegetables & Dessert: Jelly.